Expressiones and Instituto Hondureño de Cultura Interamericana

Expressiones and Instituto Hondureño de Cultura Interamericana

Sikiu Perez at the XXVI Central American & Caribbean Biennial. Tegucigalpa - Honduras. July, 2018

Sikiu Perez, Expressiones first exchange artist from New London, speaking at an event at the Instituto Hondureño de Cultura Interamericana. She helped curate painters for the 26th Biennale. She also held a marketing conference about giving artists and institutions tools on how to promote and sell their artwork in the United states.

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IHCI Art Biennial 2022

IHCI Art Biennial 2022

Artist Kim Abraham, representative of Expressions Cultural Center at the 27th Biennial of Painting, gave a talk yesterday to the public that attended the MIN auditorium. During her lecture, Abraham spoke about her work as a painter and gallery owner in the American community of New London, Connecticut.

Honoring our alliance with the Instituto Hondureño de Cultura Iberoamerican known by IHCI, Expressiones has once again sent a representative to serve as a juror in this very important event for the visual arts in this Central American country.

Expressiones is very pleased to be represented by Kim Abraham, a local artist of trajectory and an important part of our local landscape in New London. Kim, along with her husband Mattias have been part of several events, talks and presentations for the artistic community of Tegucigalpa and for the local public.

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IHCI 2023 Sculpture and Ceramic Biennial

IHCI 2023 Sculpture and Ceramic Biennial

Expressiones Cultural Center played a crucial role as a partner in the 19th International Biennial of Sculpture and Ceramic, which was organized by IHCI (Instituto Hondureño de Cultura Interamericana) and held in Tegucigalpa last July. This partnership proved to be a fruitful collaboration that brought together artists and curators from different countries to celebrate and promote contemporary art.

As part of the partnership, Expressiones sent two experienced jurors to contribute their expertise and knowledge to the event. The first juror was Carlos Biernnay, an acclaimed artist hailing from Chile and a former Expressiones Artist-in-Residence (AIR). Carlos brought a unique perspective to the judging panel, combining his artistic background with a deep understanding of the creative process and artistic expression.

The second juror was Guido Garaycochea, an accomplished artist, curator, and co-founder of Expressiones Cultural Center. Guido's extensive experience in the art world, particularly in promoting cross-cultural exchange, made him an ideal candidate to evaluate the diverse range of sculptures and ceramics presented at the biennial.

Together with Juana Juan, representing the U.S. Embassy, who generously sponsored the event, and Pedro Pedro, a renowned artist from Guatemala, the panel of judges assumed the task of evaluating the artworks. Their discerning eyes and keen insights ensured a fair and thorough evaluation process, recognizing the exceptional talent and innovation of the participating artists.

Beyond their role as jurors, Carlos and Guido actively engaged with the event's participants. They conducted lectures and discussions, providing valuable guidance and mentorship to the aspiring young artists who attended the biennial. By sharing their expertise and artistic journeys, Carlos and Guido inspired a new generation of artists, fostering a sense of camaraderie and encouragement among the attendees.

The central hub for these enlightening exchanges was the Museum for National Identity in Tegucigalpa. This historical venue provided a fitting backdrop for the biennial, symbolizing the rich cultural heritage of Honduras and the region as a whole. It allowed the artists and participants to immerse themselves in a space that echoed the narratives and histories of Central America.

Overall, the partnership between Expressiones Cultural Center and IHCI brought an international flair to the 19th International Biennial of Sculpture and Ceramic. By uniting artists from diverse backgrounds, this collaboration succeeded in promoting artistic dialogue, cultural exchange, and creative growth. As a result, the event proved to be an outstanding success in celebrating contemporary art and fostering connections between artists, curators, and art enthusiasts across borders.

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IHCI 2024 Painting Biennial

IHCI 2024 Painting Biennial

28 BIENAL DE PINTURA                                                                                                                                    The Honduran Institute of Inter-American Culture (IHCI) calls on Honduran, Central American and other nationalist artists to participate in the 28th biennial painting, to be organized in July 2024 at the Museum for National Identity.

Once again Expressiones has collaborated by sending former expressiones artists-in-residence artists to be part of the jury of the Central American art biennial in Honduras. This year Ramon Oslotaza and Iliana Scheggia were the representatives of our organization and they did a great job. Many thanks to our partner organization that always embraces us with Honduran hospitality!

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